Link: WAMP vs SKYPE conflict

Whoever was using WAMP and Skype has encountered problem with shared ports, following link contains the solution (look in the comments) to resolve it:

WAMP and Skype Conflict

and this is the comment you should search at above link (for your convenience):

Submitted by Hobbsy on Sun, 03/22/2009 – 22:45
I also encountered this

I also encountered this problem a while back…

A much better solution than starting WAMP before Skype is to follow the advice on the URL you posted:

In skype if you click “tools ” then “options” and connection down the left, untick the box “use port 80 and 443 as alternative incomming ports”

That worked for me about 6 months ago, and haven’t looked back since 🙂

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