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Tag Archives: XML-RPC
How to create Magento’s Custom API?
It is not in-depth tutorial but description on how I tackled creation of custom API for magento. There are still vast fields of unknown but at least this will let you start building your own API and let you learn, … Continue reading
Hi, if you had a chance to look at the Flash->XML-RPC->Magento post then you have all you need to achieve similar with wordpress:) how cool is that? And I have lost so many years by not adding this (webservices) into … Continue reading
In this article I’ll show you how to connect (login) and disconnect (release session) to the magento store using Magento API.
Posted in flash, magento, xml-rpc
Tagged actionscript3, flash, magento api, webservices, XML-RPC
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Magento API
Like I have mentioned in the first post I am starting with magento, with the shop itself I am battling for some time now, but recently I desired to do something more:) (set-up store is just not enough). Because I … Continue reading
I have just started adventure of the blogging world, I thought that it will be a good point to finally do it, as also I am starting with Magento API and XML-RPC. This is a rather experiment so I am … Continue reading