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Category Archives: air for android
Multi-touch handling in AIR for Android/iOS
To handle multitouch in AIR you need to listen to TouchEvent events like TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN. Which event you will listen depends on the Multitouch.inputMode defined, possile values are enumerated in MultitouchInputMode class. We will use MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT which specifies that events are … Continue reading
Posted in air for android
Tagged air for android, Multi-touch, TouchEvent
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Link: Gesture, accelerator and geolocation simulator
Little gem:) Gesture, accelerator and geolocation simulator
Posted in air for android, flash
Tagged adl, AIR 3.2, AS3, Flash Develop IDE, Flash Professional CS6, Flex, gesture works, SimController, touch simulator, TUIO, XSimulator
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SQLite – compare null values
Hi, this is a quick post describing issue I have found when using SQLite in flash. I’ve tried to fetch some rows using following snippet, but couldn’t get correct results. Then after digging on the net I have found that … Continue reading
Posted in actionscript, air for android, flash, SQLite3 (in AIR)
Tagged actionscript, actionscript3, air, air for android, flash, IS NULL, SQLConection, SQLError, SQLite, SQLStatement, SQLStatement parameters
‘unique’ as column name in SQLite table and SQLError
Hi, I have just learned that “unique” is not a good name for column name when creating table. If you try to use it then you will get following meaningless (at least to me) error: SQLError: ‘Error #3115: SQL Error.’, … Continue reading
Posted in actionscript, air for android, flash, SQLite3 (in AIR)
Tagged actionscript3, Error #3115, SQLError, SQLite
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